Change Download Destination On Mac

I can't select a destination volume to install the Mac OS X software; there are no options (except back). I recently had a new hard drive installed at Best Buy (WD SATA 320GB internal hard drive). The hard drive is recognized when I run Disk Utility but I cannot select 'Verify Disk' or any of the other options.

  1. Change Download Folder On My Mac
  2. How To Change Download Destination On Mac
  3. Change Download Location On Mac
  4. Change Download Location Mac Chrome
  5. Change Download Location Mac Airdrop
  6. Change Download Folder On Macbook Air
  7. Change Download Location Mac Safari

Change the location of the GarageBand libraries | 11 comments | Create New Account
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You are using Tiger I take it. If you are using Safari, press CMD+` (or go to Safari in the Menu Bar and click Preferences). There, you can change the download destination. The 'default directory' is the directory into which Vuze will automatically place the downloaded data files when a new torrent is opened. Department of energy software tools mac os. By default, Vuze generates the value for the default directory option at initial setup.

What a space saver on my Powerbook!!
There is a SymbolicLinker which adds 'Make Symbolic Link' context menu (right-click) in Finder.
But the ln command works fine as well.
- vineet
rock on'

Okay, SL (SymbolicLinker) seems to be the way to go, but how do you handle SymLinks in the Finder? I create the SymLink of the copied GB lib folder in the new dest folder and then tried to copy it back to the original location folder on the boot volume..the Finder then tries to copy the original folder back - complete with original contents! The Finder is behaving correctly here, I guess!!
So how do I create a SymLink of the GB libs with SL??
Sorry for being a dumba** here!! ;)

I went back to the terminal in the end..all sorted now!! :)

But how do you install when you don't have the space.

I have only about 3gig free, and the installer won't install. Is there a way to force it to install to a firewire drive?
The only thing I can think of to do is to install a minimal version of OS X on my external and then install garageband there. I should be able to run the application from there, without booting from there, correct?

But how do you install when you don't have the space.

I tried something. Should be interesting for People with not enough Space on System-Volume.
Create a Folder 'Application Support' on a Volume with enough Space. Do a Symb. Link on that folder and put it in the /Library of your System. Rename the existing Folder in /Library to 'Application Suppor' or something other. Now copy the Symb-Link into /Library. After that start the Installer. When the install is done you have all your files on the Volume with enough SPace. Delete the Symb-Link in /Library and Rename the real App Supp. to the old name. Now you do a Symb-Link from the Apple-Loopsfolder on your bigger Volume and put it in the 'real' application folder. Et voila. The Installer-Hassle is blow away. :)

since I didn't want to fill my startup partition, I extracted the 'GarageBand' folder (the one that should be placed in /Library/Application Support) with Pacifist to another volume. The main app, the midi drivers and the documentation are correctly installed on my startup volume. Then I did those symbolic links.
Now everything works, but when I click the 'eye icon' I get the following message:
There are no Apple Loops installed on your System. Please reinstall the Apple Loop Package..
That's weird, since the 'Instrument Library' has been successfully found...any ideas?

Garageband creates new (empty) folders for you in the expected location. Loops and index. Create a symbolic Link of the contents of the real files and put these into the newly created folders. Should work fine.

thanks for you answer, but I read it about 10 times and I still can't understand what you mean exactly: the only think I get is an empty folder called 'SingleFiles' located inside 'Apple Loops'. Other than that, the content of the ApplicationSupport/GarageBand folder looks IDENTICAL to the original one that we can see with pacifist inside the GarageBandApp.pkg, which is:
  • an 'Apple Loops' folder -> 'Apple Loops for GarageBand' with 1106 .aif files
  • an 'Apple Loops Index' folder with 2 .txt files
  • an 'Instrument Library' with all its content (this is correctly recognized)
Now, what do you mean with 'the contents of the real files' ? Which 'real files' ?
Okay, I found what was wrong: file permissions.
I had the opportunity to check them in a 'normal' and functional GarageBand installation ...and found out for example that all the 1106 files inside the 'Apple Loops for GarageBand' folder, should be set as 'root:admin rw-rw-rw-' (the chmod 'octal' equivalent is 666). Extracting that folder with Pacifist caused those files to be set as 'rw-r--r--' (644). So, I used my application ;-) 'Chop' ( to change that with a simple drag&drop operation..and now everything works perfectly.
Okay, now, I'm not 100% sure that was the only difference (in file permissions) that cause the problem; so basically, you should be sure to exactly 'imitate' all the (sub)files and (sub)folders permissions of the original GarageBand folder inside /Library/Application Support.
So, if you already know you'll move those big folders to another drive or partition after the GarageBand installation, you can extract them using Pacifist (and the above hint) instead of installing everything and then delete the thousand files (over 1.8GB) from your original partition (probably causing some disk fragmentation).

The approach sounds good, but the iLife installer still needs to see 2GB free on the System partition for it to work.

Change Download Folder On My Mac

Change download location mac chrome

How To Change Download Destination On Mac

I'm wondering if something like this could also help with a similar problem I'm having with export in Garageband..I can't export anymore because I had to move my iTunes library to a different internal disk due to space constraints. I moved the library, created an alias in my Music folder, and iTunes sees it fine. Now, however, Garageband will not export anything. Is there some way to use this process on the iTunes Library folder and help Garageband recognize it?


Hi! There can be lots of clogged-up Downloads folders or you just want to change default Download folder to some another folder. But I think that it’s always better to keep all downloaded files organized and cleaned up if they are saved on my desktop. Do you agree? Now I'm going to tell you how to change downloads destination for different browsers.

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Change Download Location On Mac

It’s no matter what browser do you use, Safari, Firefox or Chrome, because we will reveal the secrets of every browser. The process is easy and similar to these three applications. That’s how you can change the default folder for downloads on your Mac.

Let’s Сhange Safari’s Download Location on Mac

Change Download Location Mac Chrome

At first, we have to launch Apple’s built-in browser and then go to the Safari menu. It is located in the left upper corner of the screen. Choose “Preferences” from the list that drops down.

For Apple’s built-in Safari browser, first, launch the app and then click on the Safari menu in the top-left corner of your screen. Choose “Preferences” from the drop-down list. It’s not hard to find.

Go to the “General” tab and change the line “File download location” after a new window opens.

As you have already noticed, our location is set to Desktop. But you can choose any folder you want! Click on “Other” and the familiar to you dialog box will appear. Select any folder you like in this dialog box.

If you want to use different folders for different files, change toggle down and choose “Ask for each download” as it’s shown in the screenshot. It means that you will be able to save files everywhere you want every time you download something.

Let’s Change the Download Location in Firefox

You’ll have to start exactly how we did with Safari. Let’s launch the application and click on the main menu where the “Preferences” line can be found. “Save files to” option can appear under the “General” tab. Choose the right button and switch the download location to another folder.

Change Download Location Mac Airdrop

By the way, Firefox can ask you where to save files just like Safari does. Choose the button “Ask me where to save files” and vary the destination folder every time you save something from the Internet.

Changing of the Default Download Folder in Chrome

The process here is a bit harder than in Safari and Firefox. But the start is the same. Launch your Chrome and select “Preferences” at the top of the screen.

Go down to “Settings” tab and choose “Advanced settings” there.

When they appear on your screen, scroll down a bit and you’ll find the “Download location” option. Click on “Change” and choose the folder you like. Or make Chrome ask you to choose the download folder every time.

Change Download Folder On Macbook Air

Still, that’s not all! We have one more hint for you! Mail also uses this folder to save attachments. And it can also be changed! Find the “Preferences” button in Mail. It can be found under the “General” tab.

Change Download Location Mac Safari

Finally, you know how to change the default download location in all browsers on your Mac and even in Mail!